While the clashes (NdR: le proteste per il Land Day) were taking place, senior members of the American and Israeli governments were celebrating the opening of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. In the absence of Donald Trump, the U.S. delegation was led, banana-republic style, by his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law, Jared Kushner. During the ceremony, they were seated next to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, who is a long-standing friend of the Kushner family.
Netanyahu declared the day a “glorious” one. Kushner delivered a speech that was a combination of toadying, boilerplate, and wishful thinking. He praised his father-in-law for delivering on his campaign promise to move the Embassy from Tel Aviv. He said, “Israel proves every day the boundless power of freedom.” He criticized Iran. Despite the almost universal condemnation outside Israel of the decision to move the embassy, Kushner said, “Today’s celebrations do not reflect a departure from our strong commitment to lasting peace.” He even had the temerity to say, “Peace is within reach.”
Da leggere l’articolo di John Cassidy su The New Yorker.