Honour and respect: a distorted storytelling of Chinese martial arts
I heard of a recent flame about “honour and respect” in Chinese martial arts that hit my Hung Kuen brother Che Kong Mak. According to […]
I heard of a recent flame about “honour and respect” in Chinese martial arts that hit my Hung Kuen brother Che Kong Mak. According to […]
Ricevo un inaspettato numero di richieste da persone interessate a imparare l’Hung Kuen che ho appreso da Chan Hon Chung e perfezionato con il mio […]
Again with this great Hung style performer. In the previous article I explained as this video confirms my theory of of a few movements added […]
I found a YouTube channel with a few videos of a guy performing the Tit Sin Kuen and some other forms of the Hung Kuen style. […]
E’ accaduto un evento eccezionale l’altro giorno, perché – almeno da quanto mi risulta – mio fratello maggiore Cheung Yee Keung non aveva mai dimostrato in pubblico […]
“This is a great fact that I am sharing now, for the benefit of whoever wants to get it: in our family’s Hung style breathing in […]
“In fact, the author seems to make a very pointed argument that Hung Gar is in its essence not a technical system of physical movements, […]
A few words about the “one finger bridge” and the “three extensions”. Back in the days in the Hon Chung Gymnasium in Hong Kong this […]
Back in the days – late Seventies to late Eighties – when I was spending most of my free time in Hong Kong to learn […]
“Check out one of the best Hung Ga Kyun books I had pleasure to read in years (and download a free sample here). Hung Ga Story is […]
L’altro giorno su uno dei vari gruppi dello stile Hung che si trovano su Facebook un sedicente “maestro di Hung Gar” ha postato questa foto. […]
I see more and more people posting on Fabebook and/or YouTube pictures and videos of themselves engaged in the practice of Tit Sin Kuen. I […]
Premessa. Fino a metà anni 2000 ben pochi in Europa avevano sentito parlare di Hung Kuen (letteralmente: il “pugno”, ovvero lo “stile” di Hung) detto […]
In questo thread ho postato due commenti che mi piacciono, quindi li edito un po’ per per decontestualizzarli e integrarli tra loro e li salvo come nota. […]
Chinese kung fu is about sincerity and loyalty. It’s about passing on and sharing culture and correct information. Chinese kung fu is about brotherhood and […]
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