Tit Sin Kuen – Bugeisha luglio 2022
At a first sight, Tit Sin Kuen looks different from all other Hung Ga forms. This uniqueness contributed to boost its mythological aura.
At a first sight, Tit Sin Kuen looks different from all other Hung Ga forms. This uniqueness contributed to boost its mythological aura.
The Twelve Bridges join the two basic martial elements, deeply interpenetrated and inseparable, foundation of every martial art: the internal element (i.e. the emotional attitude […]
In the days of the COVID-19 pestilence, after a long reflection, I decided to share with the world in a series of 27 videos the […]
What is the Tit Sin Kuen meaning and its technical value in the martial evolution of the Hung Kuen school practitioner?
After the passing of the master, the Hung style of Chan Hon Chung has been undergoing an heavy contamination and modification by external influences, sometimes […]
Again with this great Hung style performer. In the previous article I explained as this video confirms my theory of of a few movements added […]
I found a YouTube channel with a few videos of a guy performing the Tit Sin Kuen and some other forms of the Hung Kuen style. […]
E’ accaduto un evento eccezionale l’altro giorno, perché – almeno da quanto mi risulta – mio fratello maggiore Cheung Yee Keung non aveva mai dimostrato in pubblico […]
“This is a great fact that I am sharing now, for the benefit of whoever wants to get it: in our family’s Hung style breathing in […]
A few words about the “one finger bridge” and the “three extensions”. Back in the days in the Hon Chung Gymnasium in Hong Kong this […]
I see more and more people posting on Fabebook and/or YouTube pictures and videos of themselves engaged in the practice of Tit Sin Kuen. I […]
Premessa. Fino a metà anni 2000 ben pochi in Europa avevano sentito parlare di Hung Kuen (letteralmente: il “pugno”, ovvero lo “stile” di Hung) detto […]
Chinese kung fu is about sincerity and loyalty. It’s about passing on and sharing culture and correct information. Chinese kung fu is about brotherhood and […]
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